The purpose of the Title I Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 is to provide funding to ensure that all children, regardless of their economic background, have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and reach, at a minimum, proficiency on challenging State academic achievement standards and state academic assessments. This purpose can be accomplished by ensuring that high-quality academic assessments, accountability systems, teacher preparation and training, curriculum, and instructional materials are aligned with challenging State academic standards so that students, teachers, parents, and administrators can measure progress against common expectations for student academic achievement.
All elementary schools within the Gasconade County R-II School District annually receive Title I funding to help support reading and math programs. Resources are provided on this site to guide parents and guardians through the District Title I Policies and Procedures, as well as to inform them of their rights and ways to get involved in developing an educational partnership to support their child’s educational progress.
September 2017
All elementary schools within the Gasconade County R-II School District annually receive Title I funding under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Federal Legislation, to help support reading and math programs.
As a part of this federal program, parents and guardians are asked to complete the Title I Parent Evaluation Survey to gather information to help each school and the district improve Title I instruction and programs.
Please click on the link below to complete the survey for our Title Program at OES and GES. We appreciate your willingness to provide us with valuable information by completing the Title Parent Evaluation Survey.
​​Federal Programs Parent Survey
The Gasconade County R-2 District has a Homeless Coordinator who also serves the district as the Family School Liason. If you have questions or need assistance please contact Samantha Mangrum at 573-646-4039.
The Gasconade County R-2 School District has appointed the Family School Liaison as the foster care point of contact. If you have questions or need assistance please contact Samantha Mangrum at 573-646-4039.